Dementia Australia

Taking on Australia’s second biggest killer


Dementia Australia is the peak, non-profit organisation for people with dementia and their families and carers. Their flagship fundraising event, Memory Walk & Jog aims to create greater awareness of dementia and raise funds for research. We work closely with the organisation to breathe life into their brand across all awareness and communications materials.


As part of Dementia Australia’s parent re-brand, we led the brand refresh for Memory Walk & Jog and continue to design across every brand touchpoint for this event annually. Creating a bold, energetic look and feel for this event has significantly increased the brand’s stand out and most importantly, helped increase donations. We also frequently design key campaign material for the Dementia Australia parent brand, working within their stringent brand guidelines to produce visually-intriguing landing pages, donation flows, printed collateral and more.


  • Brand strategy
  • Campaign branding and design
  • Infographics
  • Data visualisation
  • Event design
  • Website design (UX, UI)
  • Donation flow design (UX, UI)
  • Invitation design